
Showing posts from October, 2023

Banana Tarte Tartin

I would usually make my weekend meals from leftover ingredients from the weekdays. Today, I have 3 leftover bananas and 4 slices of bread. I decided to use them to make an easy Banana Tarte Tartin. Typically, this dish will require caramelising bananas on stove and using short-crust pastry for the base.  Ingredients - 3 large ripe bananas, cut into slices  - 1 tablespoon of caramel jam  - 4 slices of bread, rolled into very thin sheets  Procedures: 1) Arrange the banana slices on a baking tin. Bake it for 15 minutes at 180 degree celsius until soft and caramelised.  2) Drizzle caramel jam on the bananas.  3) Lay the thin bread sheets on the bananas. Fold in at the edges. Bake it for another 10 minutes until the bread layer is crusty.  4) Turn over the Banana Tarte Tartin onto a serving plate. Drizzle with honey or golden syrup and top it up with ice-cream if you want a sweeter treat. 

Baked Brinjal with Cai Po

Today, we had a home party with a spread of yummy vegetarian food. Even without meat, this dish tasted so hearty and satisfying.  Ingredients: - 2 large brinjals  - a packet of sweet Cai Po  - half a cup of mayonnaise  - 1 tablespoon of garlic  - 1 tablespoon of Parmesan cheese  - 1 tablespoon of Lao Gan Ma  - vegetable oil  - parsley  Procedures: 1) Boil brinjals (whole) in boiling water until soft. Dry the brinjals in kitchen towel. Place them on a serving plate.  2) Slit open the brinjals to expose the soft flesh.  3) In a mixing bowl, add Cai Po, mayonnaise, garlic, cheese, Lao Gan Ma. Mix well.  4) Spread the mixture on top of the brinjals.  5) In a wok, heat up some vegetable oil. Pour the vegetable oil on the brinjal.  6) Place the plate in the oven and bake for 15 mins at 180 degree celsius.  7) Add parsley to garnish. Serve.