
Showing posts from October, 2020

Beef Rendang

Beef Rendang is one of my husband's favourite dishes. So, it is important that I include it into my repertoire of dishes. However, this dish needs a lot of time and patience to reduce the rendang sauce to the deep brown colour and desired consistency.  Ingredients: - 4kg of beef shin, cut into chunks (2kg) - 1 packet of assam paste (2/3 packet) - 3 coconuts, grated (2 coconut)  - 6 inches of ginger, sliced (4 inches) - 6 inches of galangal, sliced (4 inches) - 40-50 dried chilies  (40 dried chilies) - 10 stalks of lemon grass (8 stalks)  - 18 shallots (12 shallots)  - 8 cloves of garlic (6 cloves)  - 5 tablespoons of coriander powder (4 tablespoons)  - 1.5 teaspoons of cumin powder (1 teaspoon)  - 5 pieces kunyit leaves (4 leaves)  - 30 pieces of Kaffir lime leaves (20 leaves)  - 30 pieces of salam leaves/bay leaves (20 leaves)  - 3 teaspoons of salt (2 teaspoon)  - 4.5 teaspoons of sugar (or gula melaka) (4 teaspoons)  Procedures: 1) Cut dried chilie

Spanish Chorizo

This is a yummy starter. The sauce goes well with freshly baked bread too!  Ingredients: 1) Potatoes or sweet potatoes (mashed or cube)  2) 4 Chorizos, sliced  3) 1 tablespoon of paprika  4) 1 teaspoon of salt 5) 1 chili, chopped  6) 1 bulb of garlic, minced 7) olive oil Procedures: 1) In a frying pan, fry potatoes until crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Set aside.  2) Add about 2 tablespoon of olive oil to frying pan. Heat it up. Add minced garlic, chopped chili, paprika and salt. Fry until fragrant.  3) Add chorizo slices and fry until cooked.  4) Add potatoes. Mix well and serve.