Salmon Camembert Avocado Soup

I had some leftover avocados but did not feel like making Guacamole Dip or Avocado Milkshake. So, I have decided to do something less common, like an Avocado Soup! 

- 3 avocados 
- 300g of salmon 
- 150g of Camembert cheese 
- 1 large yellow onion
- 3-4 cloves of garlic 
- half a teaspoon of Italian Mixed Herbs 
- salt 
- 3 tablespoons of parmesan cheese 

1) Blend avocados, onion and garlic into puree. 
2) In a pan, heat up the puree. Add 3 bowls of water and heat it up. Season with herbs, cheese and salt. 
3) Add salmon into the soup. Switch off the fire and let it poach for 15 mins. 
4) Scoop the soup into a bowl, top it with Camembert Cheese. 


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