Homemade Tofu

Many of my dishes came about because there were leftovers or unused ingredients. Today, I have a carton of soya bean milk which is not popular with the kids. So, I decided to make this dish of Homemade Tofu. 

- 700ml of soya bean milk, unsweetened
- 8 eggs
- 500g of minced pork 
- 2 tablespoons of oyster sauce 
- 1 teaspoon of salt 
- a bunch of parsley 
- fried shallots 
- corn flour 

1) In a mixing bowl, add soya bean milk, eggs and salt. Mix well. Pass it through a sieve into a round baking tray. 
2) Steam it for 30 minutes. Let it cool. 
3) Coat the egg tofu with corn starch. Deep fry it until brown. Set it aside on a serving plate. 
4) Fry minced pork and chopped parsley. Add oyster sauce and pepper to taste. Add a cup of water. Thicken the sauce with corn starch. 
5) Pour the meat sauce over the tofu. Sprinkle some fried shallots. Serve. 


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