Fruit Tarts

My boy ordered fruit tarts for his birthday cake. You can use biscuits crust or popian skins as the base.

Ingredients (for 18 fruit tarts):
- popian skins or biscuits with butter (as base)
- 3 eggs 
- 5 tablespoons of sugar 
- 2 tablespoons of flour 
- 1 tablespoon  of corn starch 
- 1 tablespoon of vanilia extract 
- 260 ml of milk 
- assorted fruits of different colours (e.g. mango, kiwi, strawberries and blueberries) 

1) Heat the milk in a saucepan. 
2) In a mixing bowl, whisk eggs, sugar, flour and corn starch until pale yellow. 
3) Add half of the heated milk slowly to the egg mixture. Pour the mixture to the saucepan with the other half of the milk. 
4) Stir the mixture under low heat until a thick custard is form. Cool it in room temperature and chill it in the fridge overnight. 
5) Lay 2 sheets of popian skin in each muffin cup. Let it bake at 160 degree celsius for 5 minutes until the popian skins crisp up. Let it cool to room temperature. Or do a biscuit crust. 
6) Pipe the custard on each of the crust. Arrange some fruits on top of the custard. Serve. 


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