Prawn-Mackeral Otah

My husband and I love otah. This recipe is hassle-free. It uses the pre-mix sauce and is not wrapped in banana leaf. But it does not have any "filler" and you can enjoy the taste of fresh fish and prawns.

- 300g of mackerel/batang fish, minced 
- 100g of prawns, deshelled and chopped
- 1 packet of Dancing Chef Thai Seafood Sauce
- 1 packet of coconut milk, 200ml 
- 1 egg 
- 1 tablespoon of cornflour
* add minced chili for more spiciness 

1) Mix mackerel, prawns, seafood sauce, coconut milk, egg and cornflour in a mixing bowl. 
2) Fill fish paste in a baking tray lined with baking paper. Brush the fish paste with vegetable oil.
3) Bake at 180 degree for 20-30 minutes, covered. Or steam for 20 minutes. Serve. 


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