Mapo Tofu

A few years ago, I visited the hometown of Mapo Tofu (Si Chuan, Chengdu) and enjoyed the food tremendously. I ate like a local as I savoured the 口水鸡,水煮鱼,麻辣火锅,braised rabbit heads etc. With my little ones at home, it is hard to cook any Si Chuan dishes. Today, I decided to push the boundaries a little with a not-so-spicy Mapo Tofu. My elder son loves it! I think I can up my game in future. 

- 4 cloves of garlic, minced 
- 250g minced pork 
- 1 block of tofu, cut into cubes
- corn flour 
- 1 tablespoon of light soya sauce 
- 1 teaspoon of fermented soya beanpaste 
- 1 tablespoon of Lao Gan Ma's chili oil 
- spring onions for garnishing

1) Add 1 tablespoon of corn flour and light soya sauce to minced pork. Mix well and let it marinate. 
2) Soak the tofu cubes in hot water. 
3) To a frying pan, add a little vegetable oil. Add garlic and fry until fragrant. Add minced pork and fry until brown. 
4) Add fermented soya beanpaste, chili oil and fry a little. 
5) Mix cornflour to half a cup of water. Add to the minced meat. 
6) Add tofu cubes and mix well. Serve. Garnish with spring onions. 


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