Garlic Chili Sauce

This garlic chili sauce accompanies us for almost every meal and we always have a slash of it in our fridge. It is inspired by my husband's late grandmother who also had her own signature homemade garlic chili sauce. Sometimes when we reminisce about her and her hakka dishes, we know those dishes will not taste the same without her garlic chili sauce.

- 4 large chili
- 7 chili padis
- 40g of ginger
- 1 bulb of garlic,
- juice from 150g of small limes (sometimes I mix some lemon and lime)
- 3 tablespoons of sugar
- 3 tablespoons of light soya sauce
- 3 tablespoons of sesame oil
- 1 teaspoon of salt

1) Blend chilis, ginger and garlic together. Set aside in a large bowl.
2) Add lime juice, sugar, light soya sauce and sesame oil to the chili. Mix well. It can last for 1-2 weeks if kept it in a bottle in the refrigerator.


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