Olive Fried Rice

I always thought that Olive Fried Rice is a Thai dish until I found a recipe of it in a Teochew cookbook. If it is really Teochew, then I guess it is closer to my heritage. Anyway, Olive Fried Rice is another hassle-free rice dish for a medium-size party of around 20 people. The olive leaves is so flavourful that no additional seasoning is necessary.

- 5 cups of cooked rice
- 1 onion, diced
- 1 clove of garlic, crushed
- 4 eggs
- 1-2 kg of prawns
- cashew nuts
- 1 bottle of olive vegetables
- pepper

1) Add oil into a frying pan. Make omelette with 4 eggs.
2) Add diced onions, garlic and prawns. Stir fry slightly.
3) Add cooked rice. Mix well. Add olive vegetables.
4) Season with pepper.
5) Serve the olive rice with roasted cashew nuts.


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