Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Fancy O' Brien at home? Grilled Cheese Sandwich is the answer. You can be creative with the sandwich fillings and customise with your favourite ingredients (i.e. tuna, ham, sausages, sauteed mushrooms). My elder boy says grilled cheese sandwich is his favourite breakfast. Well... he says the same for the other breakfast food such as garlic bread and pancakes too.

- 8 slices of wholemeal bread
- mozzarella cheese
- fillings (sausages/ham/mushrooms/tuna)
- butter

1) Spread butter on one side of the bread slices (Side A).
2) Place side A down on the griddle pan for 1 minute on small flame.
3) Flip the bread slices over. On side B, place the fillings and mozeralla on half the bread slices (i.e 2 out of 4 slices). Place the other half of bread slices with no filling on top of the bread slices with filling. Serve.


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