Meatball Porridge

I love porridge, the congee-type. I love the smooth and soft consistency. There are endless possibilities on what you can add to porridge. I always could not decide what to add and often ended up adding a lot of ingredients.

- 500g of minced pork
- 2.5 cups of rice
- 4 fresh eggs
- light soya sauce
- pepper
- sesame oil
- chicken cube
- spring onions
- 1 tablespoon of corn flour
- any other ingredients: century eggs, clams, pork intestines
- canned add-on: minced beanpaste, pork floss, fried shallots, braised peanuts

1) Cook 2.5 cups with about 5 cups of water using the rice cooker. When cooked, pass porridge through a sieve so that it will have a fine and smooth consistency.
2) Marinate minced pork with 1 tablespoon of light soya sauce, 1 tablespoon of sesame oil, corn flour and pepper. Shape into balls.
3) In a pot, boil 3 cups of water. When the water is boiling, add chicken cube, meatballs and any other ingredients.
4) In the same pot, poach fresh eggs and scope them into individual bowls.
5) Add porridge to the pot, stir well. Adjust the taste using salt and sesame oil.
6) Top it with fried shallots, pork floss, braised peanuts, minced meat bean paste, spring onions etc. Serve.


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