Mee Hoon Kuay

I remember a time before foodcourts and kopitiams started selling mee hoon kuay. In that distant past, mee hoon kuay was a dish that I only got to eat at home or at my grandmother's house. It was a communal dish as the whole family would help in making the dough, pinching it into small sizes and dropping little pieces into boiling water. I remember making the little pieces into many different shapes and identifying the pieces after the dish was cooked. Ahh... what wonderful memories in the cooking of this dish.

- 2 cups of plain flour
- 1 egg
- 250g minced pork
- a bag of sharp spinach
- 4-5 dried mushrooms, soften and sliced
- a handful of ikan bilis
- 2 cloves of crushed garlic
- ikan bilis stock
- salt, light soya sauce, pepper, corn flour, dark soya sauce, sugar

1) Add 2 cups of flour into a mixing bowl. Make a well in the middle, crack an egg in it. Add a pinch of salt. Mix all. Add 1/2 cup of water and knead the mixture into a dough. Set aside.
2) Marinate minced pork with light soya sauce, pepper and corn starch.
3) Fry ikan bilis until crispy. Set aside
4) In a frying pan, add sliced mushooms and crushed garlic. When mushrooms are softened, add 1 tablespoon of dark soya sauce and 1 tablespoon of sugar. Set aside.
4) Boil a pot of stock. When boiling, pinch the dough into small bite-sizes and add them to the stock. Make meatballs with the minced pork and add them into the stock. Add vegetables. Make some soft boil eggs if desired.
5) Serve the mee hoon kuay in a bowl. Top it up with fried ikan bilis and mushrooms.


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