Japanese Potato Salad

Here is another simple Japanese Izakaya dish - Potato Salad. 

- 3 large potatoes, cut into chunks 
- 1 carrot, diced 
- 1 cucumber, diced
- 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise 
- black pepper
- a pinch salt
- a pinch of sugar 
- 1 tablespoon of sushi vinegar 
- 50g of Ebiko 

1) Boil 3 potatoes until soft. Add diced carrot to soften during the last few minutes of boiling. 
2) Mash the potatoes. Add diced carrot and cucumber to it. 
3) Add sushi vinegar, mayonnaise, salt, sugar, black pepper and half of the Ebiko and mix well. 
4) Place in serving bowl and top up with more Ebiko. 


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