Creamy Chicken Mushroom Spinach Egg

I first had this at Fat Po. I thought it is quite easy to replicate and it is a change from Shakshuka. This dish is served with crusty baguette. 

- 2 boneless chicken thigh meat, cut into small pieces 
- 125g of brown mushrooms, sliced 
- 125g of spinach 
- 3 large onions, chopped
- 3 cloves of garlic 
- 1 cup of yogurt 
- 1 cup of milk 
- 2 chicken cubes
- 1 cup of mozzarella cheese 
- Italian mixed herbs 
- 4 fresh eggs 

1) In a frying pan, add some olive oil and pan fry chicken pieces until brown. 
2) Add onions, garlic, mushroom and spinach and cook until soft. 
3) Add chicken cube and mixed herbs. Stir well. 
4) Add yogurt, milk and mozzarella chicken. Stir well. 
5) When the dish is simmering, add 4 fresh eggs. Serve when the eggs are set. 


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