Tom Yum Soup

This is my hubby's favourite Thai dish. Actually, Tom Yum Soup is really not difficult to make. 

- 10-15 lime leaves, torn into halves 
- 2 large chili, sliced 
- 2 stalks of lemon grass, cut into large pieces 
- thumbsize ginger, sliced
- thumbsize galangal, sliced 
- 3 cloves of garlic, sliced 
- half a cup of lime juice 
- 1 tablespoon of Thai chili paste
- 1 tablespoon fish sauce 
- salt
- chicken stock cube 
- oyster mushrooms
- tomatoes, cut into large chunks
- seafood (prawns, sotong), chicken 
- evaporated milk 
- prawn broth 

1) Place the spices (chili, lime leaves, lemon grass, ginger, galangal, garlic, Thai chili paste) in a pot of boiling prawn broth. Let it simmer for a while. 
2) Add chicken, tomatoes and  mushrooms. Season with chicken stock, fish sauce, lime juice and salt. 
3) Add seafood and let it cook only for a while. 
4) Add evaporated milk (skip this step for clear soup). 


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