Potato Salad

Here is an easy side dish that goes well with any mains. 

- 6-7 assorted potatoes 
- 1 cup of Greek yogurt
- 1 cup of mayonnaise 
- juice of 1 lemon 
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- some capers 
- some black olives 
- some pickled cucumbers
- some fresh parsley 
- some fresh mint 
- 100g of spinach 
- 1 red onion, sliced 

1) Cut potatoes into bite-size. Place them into a pot with tap water enough to cover it. Let it boil until it is cooked. Place the potatoes in a mixing bowl. 
2) In the pot of hot water, blanch the spinach and red onions for about 1 minutes. Place them into the mixing bowl with the potatoes. 
3) Add yogurt, mayonnaise, salt, lemon juice, fresh parsley, fresh mint, chopped capers, chopped picked cucumbers, chopped olives and salt. Mix well. Serve. 


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