Baked Whole Ham

It seems a little 'extra' to cook ham when it can be eaten cold. However, the addition of cloves and pineapple really elevates the taste of the usual ham. 


- ham
- cloves 
- one can of pineapple
- 2 tablespoons of sugar 

1) Shave off the 'casing' of the ham. 
2) Cut a criss cross pattern on the ham. Insert cloves on the surface of the ham. Place the ham in a baking tray. 
3) In a pan, add the can pineapple and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Boil it until it thickens. Pour the sauce on the ham. 
4) Bake it at 180 degree celsius for 1 hour. During this time, brush the sauce on the surface of the ham every 15 minutes. Serve. 


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