Parmesan Herb Chicken Wings

Today, I did chicken wings with 4 flavours. One of them is a newly experimented flavour - Parmesan Herbs Chicken Wings 

- 1kg of chicken mid wings 
- 1 tablespoon of light soya sauce 
- 3 cloves of garlic, minced 
- 1 egg, beatened
- breadcrumbs 
- 1 cup of Parmesan Cheese 
- 1 teaspoon of mixed Italian Herbs
- salt

1) Marinate chicken wings with light soya sauce and garlic, overnight. 
2) Add 1 beaten egg to it. Coat it evenly. Coat it with breadcrumbs. 
3) Arrange them on a baking tray, spray some vegetable oil on it. 
4) Bake at 180 degree celsius for 20 minutes and 225 degree celsius for 15 minutes. 
5) In a mixing bowl, add Parmesan Cheese, salt and Herbs. Toss chicken wings in the mixture. Serve. 


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