Mala Grilled Fish

Mala has conquered the world! It appears in almost every food court. This is my recipe for Mala Grilled Fish. For the fish, I chose a more than. 1kg pearl grouper. So, you can imagine what a huge dish this is. 

- More than 1kg grouper, butterflied 
- 4 preferred vegetables (tau kwa, black fungus, cabbage, taukee) 
- Haidilao mala paste 
- peanuts, fried 
- parsley, chopped
- 4 cloves of garlic, chopped 

1) Place the butterflied fish on a baking tray. Brush vegetable oil around the fish. Bake at 225 degree celsius for 20-30 minutes. 
2) Cut tau kwa into small blocks. Pan fry it until golden brown in a frying pan. 
3) Drain away the excess oil. Add chopped garlic. Fry until fragrant. 
4) Add softened taukee, black fungus and cabbage. Fry until soft. 
5) Add Haidilao paste. Mix well. 
6) Pour the Mala vegetables onto the grilled fish. 
7) Top it with peanuts and parley. 


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