Beef Noodles Soup

It has been rainy every day these days. Wouldn't it be nice to have a hot bowl of noodles soup to warm up the body? I have decided to make beef noodles soup, one of my husband's favourite dishes. 

- 1 kg of beef shin, sliced 
- 300g of beef tendon, cubes 
- a small radish or 2 yellow onions, sliced 
- 4 tomatoes, wedged
- 1 thumbsize of ginger, sliced
- 1 tablespoon of fermented beanpaste 
- 2 tablespoons of dark soya sauce 
- 1 tablespoon of light soya sauce 
- 1 bulb of garlic, deskinned 
- 5 anistar 
- 3 bay leaves 
- 1 chili, sliced
- pepper 
- salt
- sugar 
- vegetables 
- parsleys
- noodles (any preferred type) 

1) In the slow cooker, place the beef shin, beef tendon, radish/onions and tomatoes. 
2) Add dark soya sauce, light soya sauce, fermented beanpaste and pepper. 
3) Add anistars, ginger, garlic, chili and bay leaves. 
4) Add water until it almost covers the ingredients. Let it cook for 4-5 hours. 
5) Add salt and sugar to adjust to desires taste. 
6) Blench noodles and vegetables. Place them into serving bowls. 
7) Pour in the beef soup. Top up with parsley. Serve. 


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