Matcha Azuki Cheesecake

My eldest boy loves cheesecakes. So, I have made different types of cheesecakes for his birthdays. Some examples are Nutella Strawberry Cheesecake, Mango Cheesecake, Lychee Passionfruit Cheesecake etc. For this 10 year-old birthday this year, I have made him a Matcha Azuki Cheesecake.

- 200g of whipping cream 
- 500g of cream cheese 
- 1 can of condensed milk 
- 2 tablespoons of gelatin 
- 1 can of Japanese Azuki 
- 2 teaspoons of matcha powder 
- 250g of digestive biscuits 
- 100g of melted butter 

1) Crush the digest biscuits. Mix with melted butter. Press it on the base of a cake tin. Place it in the freezer. 
2) Whip the whipping cream until it gives firm peaks. 
3) Whip soften cream cheese. Add condensed milk and whip further. Add whipped cream and mix well. 
4) Dissolve gelatin powder in 1/2 cup of hot water. Add a bit cream cheese mixture to the dissolved gelatin and mix well. 
5) Pour the cream cheese gelatin mix into the main cream cheese mixture. Mix well. 
6) Divide the cream cheese mixture into 2 portions. 
7) Blend the Japanese Azuki. Mix well with one portion of the cream cheese mix. Pour into the cake tin on top of the biscuit base. Put it back into the freezer. 
8) Add matcha powder to the other portion of the cream cheese. Mix well. 
9) Pour into the cake tin on top of the Azuki cheesecake layer. Put into back into the freezer overnight. 
10) Defroze it for 30 minutes before serving. 


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