Tauhu Goreng

I have some rojak paste leftover from last week's Cuttlefish Kang Kong. So, I have decided to use rojak paste to make Tauhu Goreng.

- 4 pieces of Tauhu, each cut into 4 cubes (can use Egg Tofu)
- a small pack of beansprouts (100g)
- 1 cucumber, shredded
- crushed peanuts
- 1 lime
- 1 large tablespoon of rojak paste

1) Deep fry Tauhu pieces. Lay them on a serving plate.
2) Lightly fry the beansprouts. Lay them on top of the Tauhu.
3) Top with shredded cucumber and sprinkle with crushed peanuts.
4) Mix rojak paste with lime juice and 2 tablespoons of hot water. Mix well. Pour on top of the Tauhu. Serve.


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