Pan-grilled Saba Fish

This Pan-grilled Saba Fish a Japanese or a Korean dish? I am not very sure but this dish is suitable to be kept as leftovers for my weekday bentos.

- 6 half-slices of Saba Fish 
- 3 large onions, sliced 
- half a cup of mirin 
- half a cup of light soya sauce 
- 2 tablespoons of sugar 
- half a cup of sake 
- 1 teaspoon of dark soya sauce 

1) Pan-fry the Saba Fish. It takes about 5 minutes per side. Set aside the fish. 
2) In the same pan, add mirin, light soya sauce, sugar, sake and dark soya sauce. Cook until the sauce starts boiling. 
3) Add sliced onions. Cook until the onions are soft. 
4) Add the Saba Fish on top of the onions. Let it simmer until the sauce is reduced. Sprinkle some spring onions on the dish. Serve. 


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