Fish Slice Soup

I used to think that clear fish soup is very bland. However, I realised that with some ikan bilis and chicken bones, the fish soup can have a very robust taste.

- 400g of Toman Fish slices
- 1 chicken back
- 6 tomatoes, quarter
- 1 ice-berg lettuce
- 2 piece of seaweed
- 10 slices of ginger
- 100g of ikan bilis
- 1 chicken cube
- 2 tablespoons of Chinese Huatiao wine
- 1 tablespoon of sesame oil
* add some fried garlic

1) In a pot, add 1 tablespoon of sesame oil and fry the ginger slices until fragrant.
2) Add washed ikan bilis and fry until brown.
3) Add a kettle of boiling water.
4) Add chicken back and let the stock simmer for 1 hour.
5) Add tomatoes, ice-berg lettuce and seaweed.
6) When the soup starts boiling, add fish slices until just cooked.
7) Add chicken cube and huatiao wine. Serve.


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