Homemade Mango Ice-cream

My boys made this ice-cream for Father's Day. They chose mango ice-cream as their father is a fruit lover.

- 700ml of thick whipping cream 
- 1 can of condensed milk 
- 4 large mangos 
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 
- yellow food colouring 

1) Cut the mangos into dices. Blend most of the mango dices into puree and reserve some to be added later. 
2) Whip the cream until it gives firm peaks. 
3) Add vanilla extract and a few drops of yellow food colouring. 
4) Add condensed milk. Mix well using a spatula. 
5) Add mango puree and dices. Mix well using a spatula. 
6) Place the cream in the freezer. Stir every hour for 4 hours. Freeze the ice-cream completely after that. Serve. 


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