Salmon Dill Cheesy Pasta

I cooked this dish while staying in England where herbs such as dill is easy to source and inexpensive. Today, I decided to make this dish to reminisce about the past.

- 30g of dill, chopped
- 200g of smoked salmon
- 2 cups of milk
- half a packet of penne
- 10 cloves of garlic, minced
- 1 stock cube
- 2 tablespoons of flour 
- pepper and salt 
- 200g of mozzarella cheese 

1) Cook penne acccording to instructions on the packet.
2) Add garlic and oil to frying pan. Fry until fragrant. Add flour and fry until brown. Add milk, cheese and water to get a thick, cheesy consistency. 
4) Add stock cube, pepper and the chopped stems of the dill. 
5) Add cooked penne and stir well. 
6) Turn off the flame. Add smoked salmon and dill and mix well. Serve.


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