Crazy Rich Potatoes

My youngest son named this dish of roasted mixed potatoes, accompanied with bacon and truffle garlic mayonnaise, the Crazy Rich Potatoes!

- 4 Russet potatoes
- 3 Japanese sweet potatoes
- 300g of bacon
- 2 tablespoons of paprika
- 1 tablespoon of sea salt
- 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise
- 1 clove of garlic, minced
-1 teaspoon of truffle oil
- pepper

1) Peel the potatoes and boil them until slightly soft. Drain the water and cool them.
2) Line bacon in a single layer on a baking tray. Bake it at 220 for 20 minutes or until crispy.
3) Cut the potatoes into dices.
4) Remove the bacon from the baking tray. Using the same baking tray (with remaining bacon oil), place the diced potatoes in it.
5) Season with paprika, salt and pepper. Mix well.
6) Bake it at 250 degree celsius for 30 minutes until crispy. Stir occasionally to make sure all sides of the potatoes crisp up.
7) Cut the bacon into small pieces and mix well with the roasted potatoes.
8) To a tablespoon of mayonnaise, add minced garlic and truffle oil. Serve the potatoes with the mayonnaise.


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