Dang Gui Black Fungus Duck

I love Dang Gui. I like the Dang Gui Roasted Duck from Dian Xiao Er. However, I am not very keen to make roasted duck after my last attempt which made the oven really oily. So, I decided to make a stew version instead - Dang Gui Black Fungus Duck.

- duck pieces 
- 10 pieces of black fungus
- 10 pieces of dried mushrooms 
- 1 handful of wolfberries 
- 1 handful of red dates 
- 4 pieces of Dang Gui 
- 2 tablespoons of oyster sauce 
- 1 tablespoon of Chinese wine 
- 1 tabelspoon of light soya sauce 

1) Soak black fungus and dried mushrooms and cut them into smaller pieces. 
2) Place the 2 duck pieces in a frying pan, skin-side down. Let it cook for about 5 to 10 minutes until the duck fat is rendered and the skin is brown. 
3) Drain the duck fat away. 
4) Add oyster sauce, light soya sauce and 1 cup of water to the duck. 
4) Add red dates, wolfberries, fungus, mushrooms and Dang Gui to the pan and let it simmer for 15 minutes. 
5) Add chinese wine. Mix well. 
6) Transfer the dish to a slow cooker and cook for another 2 hours. 

Here is a chicken wing version of the dish.


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