Slow-cooker Tonkotsu Ramen

This is another dish for my husband's month-long Birthday Celebration Part 2. Tonkotsu Ramen is a "long enduring" dish which takes about 10-12 hours to cook. The longer the pork broth simmers, the tastier is the ramen. So, may the husband be like this dish- the older, the better!

- 700g of pork bones
- 400g of pork skin
- 1 bulb of garlic, skinned
- 1 inch of ginger, skinned
- 3 large onions, skinned
- 100g minced pork
- 5 servings of ramen noodles
- 5 onsen eggs
- few stalks of spring onions
- 200g of beanspouts
- 5 teaspoons of miso paste
- 1 tablespoon of fermented beanpaste
- 2 tablespoons of dark soya sauce
- 2 tablespoons of sugar
- seasoning of onsen eggs (3 tablespoons of light soya sauce, 3 tablespoons of mirin, 8 tablespoons of water)

1) Scald pork bones and pork skin in hot water For 5 minutes.
2) Transfer the pork bones into a slow cooker. Cut the pork skin into small pieces. Transfer pork skin to the slow cooker too. Add garlic, onions and ginger. Add enough water to fill the slow cooker. Cook for 10-12 hours on high setting.
3) Remove the ingredients from the pork broth.
4) Remove any meat from the pork bones. Cut the meat and pork skin into small portions. In a sauce pan, slightly fry the meat pieces and minced pork in fermented beanpaste, dark soya sauce and sugar.
5) Bleach noodles and beanspouts in pork broth until just cooked.
6) In each individual serving bowls, add 1 teaspoon of miso paste and 1 teaspoon of the seasoning used to make the onsen eggs. Add a little pork broth to dissolve them (pass it through a sieve). Add noodles to each bowl. Fill the bowl with pork broth (pass through a sieve). Mix the seasoning, broth and noodles well. Adjust taste with salt if desired.
7) Top up with beanspouts, meat sauce, spring onions and onsen eggs. Serve.


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