Cookies and Cream Ice-cream

I have some leftover whipping cream, again! Time to make another ice-cream. The other time, we made some Macadamia Nuts Brittle Ice-cream. Today, we shall make a much simpler Cookies and Cream Ice-cream.

- 500ml of whipping cream
- 1/2 can of condensed milk
- 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
- 20-25 of Oreo cookies
- shaved chocolates (optional)

1) Whip whipping cream until firm peaks formed.
2) Add condensed milk and vanilla extract. Mix well.
3) Separate cream and cookies from the Oreo cookies.
4) Mix the cream into the ice-cream mix. Crush the Oreo cookies and add to the mix as well. Top up with any shaved chocolates.
5) Put the ice-cream in the freezer. Stir after after 2-3 hours to prevent cookies from sinking to the bottom. Freeze the ice-cream overnight. Serve with a slice of Oreo cookie.


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