Chicken with sweet onions

I chanced upon this recipe in an old cookbook. I followed the recipe but the dish still looks very different from the picture in the cookbook. I am not sure how it should taste too. Well... at times, life is like that too... lack of clarity... but it is okay...

- 1 kg of chicken drumsticks
- 1 can of pastata
- 1 packet of apple juice
- 4 large red onions, sliced
- 3 cloves of garlic, minced
- 1 chicken cube
- 2 tablespoons of sugar
- 1 salt

1) Dust chicken drumsticks with flour. Brown the in a frying pan. Set aside.
2) Fry onions in frying pan until soften and brown. Add minced garlic and fry until fragrant.
3) Add apple juice, pastata and a bowl of water. Add the chicken drumsticks back to the pan. Simmer until cooked.
4) Season with salt, sugar and chicken cube. Serve.


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