Slow-cooker Vinegar Pork Trotters

Vinegar Pork Trotters is another of my favourite confinement dish. I promise my sister that I will make her this dish when she delivers in December. Before that, let me practise first. Being a lazy cook, I decided to let this dish "cook by itself" using the slow-cooker. 

- 2 pork trotters, cut into chunks 
- 500g of zhejiang black vinegar 
- 1 cup of brown sugar 
- 1 large ginger, cut into slices 
- half a cup of sesame oil 
- 5 hard-boiled eggs 
- salt
- sugar 

1) Add sesame oil to a slow cooker (high setting). 
2) Add ginger slices. Cook until fragrant. 
3) Add brown sugar. Cook until melted. 
4) Add pork trotter. Cook until brown. 
5) Add black vinegar. If it does not cover the pork trotters, top up with a little water. Let the pork trotter cook for 3-4 hours on high setting. 
6) Add hard-boiled eggs and cook for another half an hour. 
7) Adjust the taste using sugar and salt. Serve. 


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