Pig Organ Soup and Bak Kut Teh

My late grandmother cooked this soup almost every weekend. She believed that this soup will make us strong and healthy, especially with a dash of hard liquor (i.e. XO or Martel).

- 1 pig stomach
- pig intestines (small or big or both)
- 500g of pork ribs
- 2 bulb of garlic
- 100g of whole white pepper corns
- salt
- sugar
- spring onions, chopped
- 5 dried mushrooms
* For Bak Kut Teh, use 1kg of prime pork ribs instead of pig organs.

1) Scrub pig stomach and intestines with rough salt and wash it off.
2) Bleach pig stomach, intestines and pork ribs in boiling water.
3) In a slow cooker, add bleached pig stomach, intestines, pork ribs, garlic and white pepper corns. Add enough water to cover the ingredients. Cook at high for 3 hours.
4) Take out the pig stomach and intestines. Cut them into bite-size.
5) Add some dried mushrooms to the soup.
6) Adjust to taste of the soup using salt and sugar.
7) Add back the pig stomach and intestines. Serve the soup with spring onions.


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