Steamed Tofu with Minced Pork

Steamed Tofu with Minced Pork is another common home-cooked dish. This recipe is inspired by my mother who loves to mix carrots and shallots into meat patty to give it some natural sweetness.

- 2 blocks of soft tofu
- 250g of minced pork
- half a carrot, shredded
- 4 dried mushrooms, soaked and diced
- 3 shallots, diced
- 1 tablespoon of light soya sauce
- 1 tablespoon of sesame oil
- dark soya sauce
- white pepper
- corn flour
- 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce

1) Cut each block of tofu into 6 slices and place them on a steaming plate.
2) Place minced pork, mushrooms and carrots into a mixing bowl. Add light soya sauce, sesame oil, white pepper and 1 tablespoon of corn flour. Mix well.
3) Place about a spoonful of meat patty on top of each slice of the tofu.
4) Steam until the meat is cooked. Transfer the tofu to a serving plate.
5) Transfer any liquid from the steaming plate to a saucepan. Add 2 tablespoons of water, oyster sauce, dark soya sauce and corn starch to thicken the sauce.
6) Drizzle the sauce on top of the tofu. Garnish with spring onions.


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