Super Pizza (Sandines, Spinach and Cheese)

This pizza is packed with 3 super nutritious ingredients that are high in calcium, vitamins and minerals - sandines, spinach and cheese. Sandines and spinach also happen to be two of the less-liked food of my children. However, when I put them on pizza base and top it up with cheese, magic happens! My kids actually stuff a lot of it into their system! That is why I call this Super Pizza.

- 1 large can of sandines in tomato sauce (425g size)
- 3 small pizza bases (8 inch)
- spinach (70g)
- 125g of mozarella cheese
- parmesan cheese

1) Mash the sandines in its tomato sauce. Spread generously on each of the 3 pizza bases.
2) Top up with spinach as generously as possible.
3) Top up with mozarrella cheese as generously as possible.
4) Bake at 180 degree celsius for 15 minutes.
5) Sprinkle with parmesan cheese. Serve.


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