Herbal Drunken Chicken

I am in the midst of collecting some recipes suitable for weekdays. These recipes should ideally take less than 30 minutes to prepare or can be prepared in advance during the weekends. Herbal Drunken Chicken seems to fit the second criteria. It only required 5 minutes to assemble before the meal.

- 2 chicken boneless thighs
- 6 slices of ginseng
- a handful of wolfberries
- 1 chicken cube
- a handful of red dates
- 3-4 pieces of Yu Zhu
- 2 tablespoons of fish sauce
- 1 cup of hua tiao wine
- salt, sugar, sesame oil

1) Sprinkle a little salt on each of the chicken boneless thighs. Roll them up and wrap them each with a piece of aluminium foil.
2) Cook them in a boiling pot of water for 25 minutes.
3) In a separate pot, add about 4 cups of water, a chicken cube, ginseng, wolfberries, red dates and Yu Zhu. Bring it to boil.
4) Transfer the herbal stock to a storage container. Add fish sauce and hua tiao wine.
5) Unwrap the cooked chicken thighs from the aluminium foils. Submerge them into the herbal stock.
6) Refridge it overnight. Slice the chicken thighs and arange them on a serving plate.
7) To a cup of herbal stock, add some salt, sugar and sesame oil to adjust to taste. Drizzle the sauce on the chicken slices. Serve.


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