Beef Rendang

Beef Rendang is one of my husband's favourite dishes. So, it is important that I include it into my repertoire of dishes. However, this dish needs a lot of time and patience to reduce the rendang sauce to the deep brown colour and desired consistency. 

- 4kg of beef shin, cut into chunks (2kg)
- 1 packet of assam paste (2/3 packet)
- 3 coconuts, grated (2 coconut) 
- 6 inches of ginger, sliced (4 inches)
- 6 inches of galangal, sliced (4 inches)
- 40-50 dried chilies  (40 dried chilies)
- 10 stalks of lemon grass (8 stalks) 
- 18 shallots (12 shallots) 
- 8 cloves of garlic (6 cloves) 
- 5 tablespoons of coriander powder (4 tablespoons) 
- 1.5 teaspoons of cumin powder (1 teaspoon) 
- 5 pieces kunyit leaves (4 leaves) 
- 30 pieces of Kaffir lime leaves (20 leaves) 
- 30 pieces of salam leaves/bay leaves (20 leaves) 
- 3 teaspoons of salt (2 teaspoon) 
- 4.5 teaspoons of sugar (or gula melaka) (4 teaspoons) 

1) Cut dried chilies into smaller pieces and remove the seeds by rubbing it. Soak it in boiling water to rehydrate it. 
2) Add water to a packet of assam. Rub the seeds until it forms a thick paste. Sieve the paste into the beef shin to marinate it for at least 30 mins. 
3) Toast 3 tablespoons of grated coconut until it turns brown. Pound the hot toasted grated coconut to a paste using pestle and mortar. 
4) Blend ginger, galangal, chilis, garlic, shallots, 3 stalks of lemon grass into a paste. Add coriander and cumin powder. Mix well.  
5) Heat a pan with some oil. Add marinated beef and stir-fry it until brown. Set aside the beef and discard the water that comes from the beef.  
6) Strain 1 cup of thick coconut milk from the remaining grated coconut. Add 15 bowls of water to the grated coconut and strain it to get thin coconut milk. 
7) Add the thin coconut milk to a large pan. Heat it to a boil and constantly stir it. Add blended spices and the rest of the lemon grass and keep stirring it. Add beef chunks to the pan. Get the beef simmer until the sauce reduced by half. 
8) Add Kunyit leaves, Kaffir lime leaves, Salam leaves, pounded coconut paste, thick coconut milk, salt and sugar. Let it simmer until the beef is tender. 
9) Remove the leaves and spices. Let the beef simmer is high fire until the desired consistency. Adjust taste with salt or sugar (gula melaka). 
* For some reasons, Rendang tastes better after a few days. Hence, it is advisable to cook it in advance. 


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