Teochew Steamed Fish

I am a Teochew, a cat when it comes to steamed fish. I often wonder why Chinese shares one whole fish amongst 10 people while I can finish one whole fish all by myself! Meow... so, here is the recipe for the ubiquitous Teochew Steamed Fish.

- 1 promfet (white or golden)
- 5 large dried mushrooms, soaked and shredded
- 1 thumb-size ginger, shredded
- 3 tomatoes, sliced
- parsley for garnishing
- 3 sour plums
- 4 tablespoons of light soya sauce
- 1 tablespoon of sesame oil
- 2 tablespoons of hua tiao wine
- pepper

1) In a mixing bowl, place mushrooms, ginger, sour plums, tomatoes, light soya sauce, sesame oil, hua tiao wine and pepper. Mix well.
2) Lay some of the vegetable mixture at the base of the steaming plate. Insert some into the stomach of the promfet. Lay the promfet on the steaming plate. Place some of the vegetable mixture on the promfet.
3) Steam for 25 minutes (adjust according to the size of the fish). Garnish with parsley. Serve.


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