Yong Tau Foo

My husband is a Hakka. So, he grew up with Yong Tau Foo which he got to eat every weekend at his grandmother's place. Por Por's version not only has stuffed tau kua but also stuffed chilis, stuffed brinjals, stuffed chilis and stuffed bitter gourds. My version is simplified for a family of four.

- 2 pieces of firm tau kua, each cut into 3 pieces lengthwise
- 10 pieces of tau pok
- 250g of minced pork
- 150g of prawn paste 
- 100g of fish paste 
- flounder fish powder (30g)
- 3 garlic, crushed
- oyster sauce
- pepper
- light soya sauce
- sugar
- sesame oil
- corn flour

1) Dig out some tau kua from the tau kua blocks to create a well.
2) Place the tau kua pieces in  a mixing bowl. Mince it. Add minced pork, minced prawns, minced fish, fish powder,  2 tablespoon of light soya sauce, 1 tablespoon of sesame oil, pepper and corn flour. Mix well.
3) Stuff minced pork mix to the tau kua and tau pok.
4) Add vegetable oil to a pan. Pan fry the tau kua. Set aside on the serving plate.
5) Fry crushed garlic until fragrant. Add 3 cups of water, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, half a tablespoon of light soya sauce. Add the tau pok. When cooked, set it aside on the serving plate.
6) Add 1 tablespoon of sugar to the sauce. Thicken it with corn starch. Pour the sauce on the tau kua and tau pok. Serve.


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