Beef Brisket Radish Stew

There are so many versions of beef stew - Western, Chinese and Japanese. My husband specially requests for one similar to his dad's - Chinese style Beef Brisket Radish Stew. So, here it is! Next time, I will add beef tendons too.

- 1kg of beef brisket, cut into chunks
- 1 large white radish
- 3 tablespoons of light soya sauce
- 1/2 bulb of garlic, crushed
- pepper
- 1-2 bay leaves
- 1 tablespoon of plum paste
- 1 tablespoon of fermented soya bean paste
- 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce
- 1 cup of water

1) Marinate beef with soya sauce, crushed garlic and white pepper overnight.
2) Brown beef chunks in a pan with some oil. Place them in a slow cooker. Add radish chunks.
3) Add the remaining seasoning, plum paste, oyster sauce, bean paste, water and bay leaves. Mix well. Cook at high setting for 4 hours.
4) Adjust the taste to preference using salt and sugar. Serve with white rice.


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