Egg Mayo Sandwich

Eugene's story behind the Egg Mayo Sandwich (written by the man himself).

When I was young, I was quite deprived of parties - either attending them or being the reason for one. When I was in primary school, the post-exam activities in those days were usually board games that ended off with class parties.

In Primary 2, I had my first class party. It was a potluck party and everyone had to contribute a dish. I asked my nanny to make something for me. I specially requested for Egg Mayo Sandwich. To me, that was an act of love, a present specially for me. It was precious.

As I wasn't used to parties and potlucks, I was reluctant to share my precious sandwiches with my classmates. In the end, i brought almost all the sandwiches back, minus the pieces I ate myself.

So, here is my precious Egg Mayo Sandwich recipe which I share reluctantly...

- 8 bread slices, toasted
- 4 eggs
- 1/2 cup of Japanese mayonnaise
- a dash of white pepper powder
- a sprinkle of black pepper, freshly grounded

1) Place the eggs in boiling water. Once the water reboils, cover pot and turn off flame.
2) Keep the eggs inside the covered pot for 10 min. Too long, the yolk becomes slightly bitter.
3) Remove eggs from pot and cool it in ice water. Once chilled, de-shell the eggs and place in a bowl.
4) Add 1/2 cup of Japanese mayonnaise, adjust to taste. The creaminess of mayonnaise has to balance the robust flavour of the egg yolk.
5) Stir in white pepper powder.
6) Serve in between toasted bread, with a sprinkle of freshly grounded black pepper.


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