Stirred Fried Tomato Beef

As far as I could remember, this dish had always be on the menu when we ate at por por's (my husband late grandmother) home. According to my husband, por por cooked this dish every Sunday when the extended family gathered. So, this is definitely considered a 'heirloom dish' and it is critical that it tastes authentic (aka just like por por's). Judging from how clean the serving plate was after the meal, I guess I must had done a decent job this evening.

- 300g-500g of beef steak (ribeye)
- 3-5 tomatos, cut into wedges
- 3 cloves of garlic, crushed
- corn flour
- light soya sauce, pepper
- spring onions, chopped
- 4-5 tablespoons of tomato ketchup
- 2 tablespoons of sugar

1) Marinate the beef steak with light soya sauce and garlic overnight. Slice the beef the next day. 
2) Heat oil in frying pan. Stir fry beef slices until just brown. Set aside.
3) Stir fry garlic until soft. Add tomato wedges and fry until soft. Add tomato ketchup, sugar, light soya sauce and pepper. Add 1 cup of water. Simmer the sauce. Thicken the sauce with corn starch.
5) Add the beef slices.
6) Add spring onions to garnish. Serve.


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