Potato Minced Beef

My husband and I once squabbled over this dish. It is one of my husband's favourite dishes which he often requests to be cooked. Sometime near our first Chinese New Year as married couple, I asked him what he would like to have for reunion dinner. I was expecting a grand wishlist. But lo and behold, he replied, "potato minced beef and anything else does not matter".

This was a classic example on the clashes of expectations. I was upset that he did not understand the significance of festivities as this dish is not anywhere near the 'big dishes' that we should have for a CNY reunion dinner. On the other hand, he did not understand why he could not celebrate CNY with his favourite, though humble, potato minced beef. Thankfully, the 'storm' blew over very quickly and we still laugh about this episode as it was pretty hilarious on hindsight. 

- 3 to 4 large Russet potatos, cut into thin slices  
- 300 g of minced beef 
- 3-4 cloves of garlic, crushed 
- 2 tablespoons of oyster sauce
- pepper 

1) Add oil in pan and stir-fry crushed garlic until fragrant.
2) Add minced beef and stir-fry until brown.
3) Add potato slices and stir-fry with the beef. Add 2 cups of water and let it simmer. It should reach a point where the potato slices are soft and the sauce is thick. 
4) Add oyster sauce and pepper. Serve with rice or porridge. 


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