Home-made Kaya

One perk of being a teacher is that I learn new things all the time. Last week, I brought my students to learn kaya-making. Even though, every student's kaya looked different from each other, they were all successful attempts. Just like even though everyone is different, we can all be successful in their own way. Today, I tried making kaya at home. With 25 minutes of continuous stirring, I must say kaya-making definitely develops one's patience. 

- 3 egg yokes 
- 120g gula melaka 
- 200 ml of coconut milk 
- 50 ml of pandan juice (blended from 100g of pandan leaves) 
- pandan paste 

- Blend 100g of pandan leaves with half a cup of water to get about 50g of pandan juice. Add a little pandan paste for a brighter colour. 
- Chop gula melaka into small pieces. 
- Add pandan juice, coconut milk amd gula melaka into a sauce pan. Heat the mixture to melt the gula melaka. 
- Beat the egg yokes. Pour a ladle of the heated mixture into the egg yoke slowly and stirring it continuously.
- Pour the egg yoke mixture back into the saucepan.
- On a slow flame, slowly stir the mixture continually until it thickens. It will take about 25 minutes. 


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