Samsui Chicken

This dish can be considered the centre-piece of the Chinese New Year meal. Not only does it look impressive, the poached chicken meat is so tender and sauce is so flavourful.

- Big fresh chicken 
- 1 cucumber 
- ginger 
- onions 
- garlic 
- spring onions 
- 1.5 litre of chicken stock 
- soya sauce, sesame oil, sea salt, sugar

1) Clean chicken. Add 1 stalk of spring onion and few slices of ginger in chicken cavity. Sprinkle some sea salt in the cavity. Seal the cavity with toothpicks. Sprinkle sea salt on the skin of the chicken. 
2) Boil chicken stock. Lower the chicken in the boiling water. Wait for it to reboil (around 5 minutes). Let the chicken stay in the boiling water for 10 minutes. Switch off the fire, cover it with the pot lid and let it poach for 45 minutes. 
3) Prepare a basin of ice water bath. Transfer the whole chicken in the ice water bath. 
4) Chop and arrange the chicken on a bed of sliced cucumber. If some parts of the chicken are still rare, soak it into the hot chicken stock for another 2 minutes and then ice water bath again. 
5) Take a bowl of chicken stock. Add 1 tablespoon of light soya sauce, sesame oil, sugar and some sea salt. Drizzle the sauce on the chicken. 
6) Blend one ginger, half onion and 3 cloves of garlic. Add 1 tablespoon sesame oil, vegetable oil, light soya sauce, sugar and some sea salt. Add some chicken stock and mix well. Serve the ginger sauce with the chicken. 


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