Pineapple Tarts

Chinese New Year is round the corner! I am a big fan of celebrations and gatherings. My childhood memories often surround these big celebrations. I remember the excitement of shopping for new year snacks, the fun of playing with cousins and going for midnight movies after a whole day of visitations.

In the pursuit to create fond memories, I have started involving my little family in preparing festive food during chinese festivals. For Chinese New Year, we baked our favourite pineapple tarts!

Ingredients (200 tarts for 10 small tins):
- 1kg of plain flour 
- 750g of unsalted butter
- 150g caster sugar 
- 7 eggs (2 for glazing) 
- 2kg of pineapple fillings (from Phoon Huat) 

1) Whisk soften butter with caster sugar. Add 5 eggs and mix well. 
2) Add 1kg plain flour. Mix well until it forms a dough. Knead the dough a little. Cover it with cling foil and let it rest while working on the pineapple filling. 
3) Separate the pineapple fillings into 200 portions Roll them into balls. 
4) Separate the dough into 200 portions. Wrap the pineapple fillings with the dough. Roll them into balls. 
5) Beat 2 eggs. Glaze the pineapple tarts with egg wash. 
6) Bake at 180 degree for 15 mins. Raise it to the top shelf for another 5 minutes to give the egg wash a golden yellow colour. 

Cool it before packing them into tins. It can be given away as a CNY gift. Have a blessed CNY, everyone! 


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