Hong Kong Baked Cheese Rice

My husband and I are very intentional in making sure our boys have fond memories of the family. We try to create such memories through home-cooked food and weekend outings. In recent years, Singapore is becoming increasingly vibrant with lots of activities for families. One of our favourite activities is having picnics. Last year, we had picnics at Marina Barrage while flying kites and at Botanic Garden while listening to live concerts. 

For picnics, we love to bring hot, non-messy and easy-to-pack food like quiches, lagsanes, pizzas. Today, we are having picnic at the Padang as part of the Light to Night Festival. For this picnic, I am making Hong Kong Pork Chop Baked Cheese Rice. 

- 2 pieces of 250g pork loin, sliced 
- 4 bowls of rice, refrigerated overnight 
- half a cup tomato ketchup 
- 1 onion, diced 
- 1 clove garlic, crushed
- 4 large tomatoes, diced
- pineapples, capsicums (optional) 
- half a cup of plain flour with 1 teaspoon of baking soda
- 2 eggs 
- 200g mozzaella cheese, shredded
- fish sauce, salt, sugar 

1) Coat pork loin slices with flour and baking soda mixture. 
2) Fry pork loin. Set aside. 
3) Stir fry crushed garlic until fragrant. Add rice and continue frying. Add 2 beaten eggs to the rice. Fry until the rice is coated by the eggs. Season the rice with fish sauce.
4) Scoop the rice on a baking tray. Place fried pork chop on top of the rice. 
4) Stir fry onions until soft. Add diced tomatoes, pineapples and capsicums. Add tomato ketchup and half a cup of water. Season with salt and sugar.
5) Pour the mixture on the rice and pork chop. Add mozzarella cheese. Bake at 180 degree for 20mins. 


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