Seafood Chowder

After a week-long overseas holiday, my grocery supply was at its all-time low. I could only find a few hardy vegetables (potatos, carrots, onions) and a pack of frozen mixed seafood. After eating out for many days, my boys were yearning for home-cooked food. My Redmart delivery was still a few days away and I didn't fèel like braving the rain to shop for grocery. What magic can I whip up from these ingredients? A hearty seafood chowder. Perfect for the rainy December day.

3 potatos, diced 
3 carrots, diced
1 large yellow onion, diced 
1 pack of frozen mixed seafood (500g), defrost
1 can of all-purposed cream
2 chicken stock cubes 
2 tablespoons mixed herbs 
2 tablespoon of plain flour 
A kettle of boiling water

1) Stir fry onions in vegetable oil until translucent 
2) Add potatos and carrots and stir-fry for 5-10 minutes.
3) Add plain flour and fry until it loses the white colour.
4) Add boiling water (5-6 bowls). Let the mixture until the potatos and carrots are soft. Occasionally add water if the mixture is too thick. 
5) Add herbs, pepper and chicken stock cubes. 
5) Add mixed seafood. Boil until seafood is cooked. 
6) Add cream.
7) Serve with bread roll or make it into a Puff Pastry Soup. 


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