Easy Chicken Rice

Who doesn't love Chicken Rice? Chicken Rice is one of Nathan's most frequently ordered dish when we dine at a kopitiam. At home, I cook 2 versions of it. The first version involves poaching the chicken and using the chicken stock to cook the fragrant rice. This version will be attempted during celebrations such as Chinese New Year. As for the normal, day-to-day version, it will be this Easy Chicken Rice where the chicken is steamed together with the rice. It takes less than an hour to complete.

1 Onion (blended) 
1 large piece of ginger (grated) 
1 clove of Garlic (crushed using garlic crusher) 
2 cups of rice 
1 large cucumber 
Pepper and Salt 
4-5 chicken drumsticks (cut into bite-size) 

1) In a rice cooker pot, wash 2 cups of rice and add 2 cups of water. 
2) Add half the grated ginger and half the crushed garlic. 
3) Add 1 tablespoon light soya sauce, 1 tablespoon sesame oil, pepper and half teaspoon of salt. 
4) On the rice cooker steamer plate, place the chicken. 5) Add half of the grated ginger, half of the crushed garlic and the blended onions. 
6) Add 2 tabletablespoons light soya sauce, 1 table sesame oil, pepper, half teaspoon of salt, 2 tablespoon of water. Mix. 
7) Steam the chicken with the rice using a rice cooker. 
8) Slice cucumber into thin slices. 
9) When cooked, arrange the chicken on the bed of cucumber slices.  Serve with chicken rice and home-made chili garlic sauce. 


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