
Showing posts from September, 2019

Meatball Porridge

I love porridge, the congee-type. I love the smooth and soft consistency. There are endless possibilities on what you can add to porridge. I always could not decide what to add and often ended up adding a lot of ingredients. Ingredients: - 500g of minced pork - 2.5 cups of rice - 4 fresh eggs - light soya sauce - pepper - sesame oil - chicken cube - spring onions - 1 tablespoon of corn flour - any other ingredients: century eggs, clams, pork intestines - canned add-on: minced beanpaste, pork floss, fried shallots, braised peanuts Procedures: 1) Cook 2.5 cups with about 5 cups of water using the rice cooker. When cooked, pass porridge through a sieve so that it will have a fine and smooth consistency. 2) Marinate minced pork with 1 tablespoon of light soya sauce, 1 tablespoon of sesame oil, corn flour and pepper. Shape into balls. 3) In a pot, boil 3 cups of water. When the water is boiling, add chicken cube, meatballs and any other ingredients. 4) In the same

Porcini Risotto

My friend got me a packet of porcini from his recent trip to Italy. So, I decided to make a large pan of Porcini Risotto with it. Ingredients: - 1 packet of porcini, rehydrated - 150g of brown mushrooms, sliced  - 150g of portabello mushrooms, sliced  - 150g of shitake mushrooms, sliced  - 500g of bacon, cut into strips  - 1 bulb of garlic, minced  - 1kg of risotto rice  - English parsley, chopped  - 1 onion, chopped  - 3 tablespoons of parmesan cheese  - 1 tablespoon of truffle salt  - black pepper  Procedures: 1) Add olive oil into frying pan and fry bacon until crispy.  2) Add garlic and onions and fry until soft and fragrant.  3) Add mushrooms and fry until soft.  4) Add porcini and the water it is soaked in. Stir well.  5) Add risotto rice and stir well. Add water until it covers the risotto.  6) Stir continuously. Add water and continue to stir until rice is cooked.  7) Add parmesan cheese, truffle salt and black pepper.  8) Serv

Spanish Garlic Prawns

My husband and I had Spanish food at The Tapas Club for our 12th wedding anniversary celebration this year. Our favourite dish was the Spanish Garlic Prawns and so we decided to recreate it today. Ingredients: -  400g of tiger prawns, deshelled  - 1 chili padi, chopped  - 1 bulb of garlic, chopped  - 3 tablespoon of olive oil  - 1 teaspoon of salt  - 1 teaspoon of paprika  - chopped English parsley  Procedures: 1) Heat olive oil in frying pan and add garlic and chili. Fry until fragrant.  2) Add paprika and salt. Mix well.  3) Add prawns and fry until just cooked.  4) Add English parsley. Mix well.  5) Serve with bread. I tried this recipe with mixed seafood and it was delicious.